WINDHOEK- Namibian president, Nangolo Mbumba reiterated on Thursday, his country's support for the legitimate struggle of Sahrawi people, until the independence of Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa.


Speaking at a meeting granted to the Ambassador of Western Sahara to Namibia, Hamdi Mayara Khalil, informed the Namibian president of the latest developments in the Sahrawi cause and the situation in the occupied Sahrawi cities, especially since Morocco violated the Ceasefire Agreement in November 2020.

The Ambassador further reiterated his country's support for the legitimate struggle of Sahrawi people.

He also referred to the Moroccan occupation's violation of the UN and AU resolutions.

In a statement to APS, the Sahrawi ambassador said that Namibia's position was in line with the positions of several African countries, "the decolonization of Africa's last colony."

The decolonization of Western Sahara constitutes "a hard blow to Moroccan propaganda and disinformation," he added. [/ecr]