BRICS Media Summit in Moscow: Call for multipolar world order respectful of international law

MOSCOW – The participants at the BRICS Media Summit, which wrapped up Sunday in Moscow (Russia), called for "a just, equitable and multipolar world order respectful of international law," insisting the necessity of "respecting the sovereignty of States."


In their final communiqué, the participants of this two-day summit emphasized the importance of "building a just, equitable and multipolar world order respectful of international law," insisting on the necessity of respecting "the sovereignty of States and non-interference in their internal affairs."

Recognizing media's crucial role in preserving and fostering international dialogue, BRICS nations' representatives pledged to boost media exchanges within the framework of BRICS and BRICS+ mechanisms, said the source. 

The participants reaffirmed their commitment to the principles of neutrality and factual journalism, while calling for coordinated efforts to combat disinformation, added the final communiqué, emphasizing the importance for media to integrate and adapt to modern technologies and to define ethical standards and criteria in the use of artificial intelligence.

Organized at the Moscow World Trade Center, this event was marked by the participation of some 200 heads of media establishments and international bodies and specialists representing 45 countries. The Algerian news agency APS was represented by Editor-in-Chief, Mohamed Ilyes Azzouz.

The summit, organized by Russia's TASS news agency in collaboration with China's Xinhua, coincided with Russia's rotating BRICS presidency. It provided a platform for participants to engage in dialogue and exchange views on the challenges media face in shaping a multipolar world.

This summit aims to promote dialogue between media from different countries, including those of BRICS, and to discuss ways to implement joint projects within this framework.


Coinciding with the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the creation of TASS agency, the summit’s works were marked by the organization of panels and round tables, notably on "the role of media from BRICS member countries in strengthening stability and cooperation in a multipolar world" and "media from BRICS countries: technological transition towards a new world".
