Speaking during the works of the 44th ordinary session of the AU Executive Council, on the clause relating to the upcoming elections of senior AUC officials, Attaf said that "the election of the president, vice-president and commissioners of the AUC is of major importance, hence the imperative to give it special attention, because it will involve appointing women and men called upon to oversee the Organization's action and to influence its responsiveness in addressing the expectations and aspirations of our peoples and States, in enshrinment of the Grand African project".
The Algerian delegation "takes note of the various proposed versions and submitted choices, in particular the principle of alternation between the five regions and, within each region, between countries in alphabetical order", said the minister, adding that "our deep conviction challenges us regarding the imperative to keep a question of such importance away from mechanical processes that do not take into account the competence or qualifications of candidates who must carry visions, ambitions and projects to raise our continent to the highest ranks".
Attaf seized the opportunity to emphasize "the importance for the African continent of a large-scale selective and competitive process that would favor the most experienced and highly qualified African competencies to lead the African Commission, according to our collective commitment to improving the governance of our organization, to developing its performance and to providing it with individuals worthy of leading it and realizing our aspirations and expectations, even giving them concrete expression in the best possible way".
“The African continent deserves more than such a commitment and such a process to elect the very best candidates among the elite,” said Attaf.