Bouira: Cherfa launches harvest-threshing campaign in northern provinces

ALGIERS- The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Youcef Cherfa, launched Tuesday, in Bouira, the 2023-2024 crop harvesting and threshing campaign in the northern provinces, a ministerial press release said.


The minister went to Bouira within the framework of an inspection and working visit to enquire about the progress of various projects and inspect farms.


On this occasion, the minister laid the first stone for the building of six (6) local centers for grain storage out of a total of eight (8) other centers the province had benefited from, said the same source.


These structures are part of the national program for the reinforcement of storage grain capacities nationwide which plans to build 350 local centers with an overall capacity of 1,75 million tons of grains, in addition to 30 strategic silos with an overall capacity of 3 million tons, awaiting the completion of the construction of 16 metallic silos, with an overall storage capacity of 250.000 tons, according to the source.  



In this regard, the minister will also inspect an agricultural production unit, a pilot firm converted to a production unit for the development of strategic cultivation in compliance with the sector’s new directives, and in implementation of the decisions of the Council of Ministers, met on 18th February. [/ecr]