After following a presentation on the construction of “Fouka 2” seawater desalination plant in Tipaza, which he inaugurated today, the President of the Republic expressed his thanks to the “workers, technicians, engineers and managers” who contributed to this project, emphasizing that this major achievement is “a source of pride.”
“This is the Algeria that we all cherish, an Algeria that meets challenges by drawing inspiration from the generation of 1 November 1954, which succeeded in liberating our land from what was then the world’s fifth largest power (colonial power) with hunting rifles,” said the President of the Republic, adding that “this major achievement is a pride for victorious Algeria.”
“I thank all the workers, managers and executives, as well as the energy and hydraulic sectors and Sonatrach for this great achievement,” underscored the President of the Republic, expressing satisfaction with “what has been accomplished so far.”