Government discusses draft bill on protection of elderly

ALGIERS - A draft bill to strengthen the protection of the elderly and bring the relevant legal provisions into line with international standards was discussed on Wednesday by the government in a weekly meeting chaired by Prime Minister, Aïmene Benabderrahmane, said the Prime Minister's office in a statement.


The draft bill amending and supplementing Act No. 10-12 of 29 December 2010 on the protection of the elderly, presented by Minister of National Solidarity, the Family and the Status of Women, is intended to "improve the living conditions of the elderly and protect them against any form of attack on their dignity and physical and moral integrity," the same source said.

The bill, which was given a first reading by the government at its weekly meeting, also aims to "bring the legal system into line with international standards in this area, while preserving our religious and cultural values rooted in our country's age-old traditions," the statement said. [ecr]