HCI expressed, in its communiqué, astonishment at the ranking by the US Department of State of the world’s countries in “three levels, severe, average and serious, of violation of the freedom to practice religious beliefs, while it excluded the Zionist entity from this ranking in its first communiqué, although it prevents the Muslims in Palestine from getting to Al-Aqsa Mosque and preventing them form praying there.”
HCI wondered whether the American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, “is waiting that the Congress adopts a law that protects the human lives and criminalizes the assassination of children and women as well as the destruction of houses, to publish a communiqué that criminalizes the Zionist entity, which is bombing the Palestinians’ houses in Gaza and the West Bank with missiles supplied by the United States of America, with the full knowledge of Blinken.”
“After that the cargo of bombs and missiles, supplied by his country to the Zionist entity, runs out, Blinken didn’t wait for the approval of the American Congress to supply new munitions to the Zionist entity, but he himself took the responsibility to send these munitions urgently, because the Congress’ approval could take some time, during which the Palestinians will be able to take a breath and the bombardment of houses, the assassination of children and their mothers as well as the destruction of their houses will stop,” HCI’s communiqué concluded.