Krikou underscores Algeria’s efforts to boost women’s role

ALGIERS- Minister of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Affairs Kaouter Krikou highlighted, on Thursday, Algeria’s efforts to boost the role of women at all levels.

In a speech given during her participation, by videoconference, in the 43rd Arab Women’s Committee, the minister affirmed that Algeria “continues the process of reforms at all levels for the advancement of women and their political and socio-economic empowerment, in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”

Krikou highlighted the State’s efforts “aimed at involving women in the national development process and to encourage them to start their own businesses and contribute to the creation of wealth and jobs”.

She also pointed out the different schemes set up by the State for the creation of micro-enterprises, which drew a large number of women project leaders, with a view to bolstering their economic autonomy.

The minister applauded the instructions of the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, regarding the launch of wealth and job creation schemes, such as the scheme for self-entrepreneurship of young project leaders, which provides “incentive benefits for this category, including young women.”