ALGIERS- The minister of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Affairs, Kaoutar Krikou, paid a visit to children of the national community abroad who are on vacation in Boumerdes, the ministry said on Tuesday in a press release.


Krikou paid on Monday a visit to the place of residence of these children, in Dellys, a city famous for its beautiful beaches and the ancient Kasbah, in order to share with them the festive atmosphere of the National Children’s Day and the celebration of Ashura.

After having discussions with the kids, the minister highlighted that the high authorities of the country “give great importance to the national diaspora,” calling for “the mobilization of all necessary means to receive them in the best conditions and allow them to pass unforgettable vacation in their homeland, as they are an integral part of this nation that is celebrating the Independence and Youth Day."

Krikou said that this summer vacation is an occasion for the children of the national community abroad to “discover the beauty of their country” and its “development dynamics,” the press release concluded. [/ecr]