26th National Holy Quran Week: Over 220 participants at qualifying rounds

ALGIERS- The qualifying rounds for the contest of the 26th National Holy Quran Week are being held with the participation of more than 220 candidates, according to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Wakfs.  


In a statement to APS, the director of the Quranic education at the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Wakfs, Messaoud Miad, underlined that the organization of this contest coincides with the celebration of Mawlid Ennabaoui Echarif (the anniversary of the birth of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH)), with the participation of more than 220 candidates already qualified for the provincial qualifying rounds.”

He also underlined that the qualifying rounds, being held at the ministry’s headquarters via videoconference, will enable “selecting ten (10) candidates from each of the six (06) categories of the contest, supervised by Sheikhs, Doctors  and reciters certified in the ten (10) readings of the Quran.”  
