Mawlid Ennabaoui: Ceremony for nursing homes residents in Algiers

ALGIERS-The Minister of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Affairs, Kaoutar Krikou, accompanied by the Minister of Culture and Arts, Soraya Mouloudji, as well as the Minister of Environment and Renewable Energy, Fazia Dahleb, chaired Sunday at the palace of culture Moufdi Zakaria, a ceremony for the benefit of the residents of nursing homes on the occasion of Mawlid Ennabaoui Echarif (the anniversary of the birth of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH)).


In a statement to the press, Krikou affirmed that this ceremony, organized by the Ministry of National Solidarity, aimed to “share the joy of celebrating Mawlid Ennabaoui Echarif with our mothers and fathers, to allow this category to celebrate this religious occasion in a family atmosphere and to establish intergenerational contact.”

Underscoring “the importance of organizing such initiatives for the benefit of elderly people with the involvement of children, in order to strengthen intergenerational bonds,” Krikou emphasized the State's efforts in caring for this category “by ensuring all conditions of comfort and a dignified life.”

The ceremony, attended by the High Commissioner for Digitalization, Meriem Benmouloud, provided an opportunity to recall the life of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and to listen to religious songs, in addition to distributing gifts to the elderly.[/ecr]