The screening ceremony took place in the presence of Minister of Mujahedeen and Right Holders Laid Rebiga, Adviser to the President of the Republic for Special Affairs Mohamed Chafik Mesbah, and former Minister and head of the Association of MALG’s elders, Dahou Ould Kablia, in addition to a number of former ministers and mujahedeen (war veterans).
The one-and-a-half-hour feature film “Saliha” deals with the historical facts of the militant path of shaheeda Saliha Ould Kablia. This young doctor left the medicine faculty to join the ranks of the mujahedeen in the city of Mascara and put her medical skills in the service of the Revolution.
Mohamed Sahraoui, who also directed the film “Sarkadji,” reported on real events that had marked Saliha's mission to care for the wounded mujahedeen and the inhabitants of rural areas.
In this work, Sahraoui was keen to shed light on the human side throughout the film, particularly in certain situations that showed Saliha's strong personality, that was as determined and fierce in fighting the enemy as it was compassionate towards everyone.
The director's camera traveled through the mountains and countryside of the region, highlighting the beauty and greatness of the landforms that witnessed the battles and were a shield for the revolutionaries.
The young actress Souha Oualha, who skillfully played the role of Saliha, Mabrouk Farroudji, Gueraidi Nadir, Halim Zraibiaa and many others, took part in the shooting of this film, alongside Mohamed Frimahdi, who played the role of the heroine's father, and the talented actress Fadila Hachmaoui who played the role of her mother.
Speaking on this occasion, Minister of Mujahedeen and Right Holders Laid Rebiga said that this historical work “deals with historical facts relating the path of a heroine among the free women of Algeria,” adding that its screening “stems from the nation's duty to pay tribute to our martyrs.”