ALGIERS- The winners of the Arab Language Award was awarded Sunday at the headquarters of the People's National Assembly (lower house of Parliament), in a ceremony marking the World Arabic Language Day (December 18th).


The first linguistics prize, as part of the competition organized by the High Council of Arabic Language, was bestowed on Mohamed Bouzouaoui for his book on Algerian dialect, the second prize went by Mohamed Rachid Miloud and the encouragement award to Abdelhafidh Cherif.

In Arabic software section, no award was given as the jury deemed that the required conditions were not met.

In translation into Arabic, the first prize was not awarded while the second went to Mohamed Amine Bouhaloufa.

In this section the encouragement prize was not awarded

The Council's first prize in Arabic social media section was won by Bouskine Idriss, for a study entitled "electronic publishing and digital literature in the light of globalization, between theory and reality."

The second prize in the section was received by Ilham Benmanceur and the encouragement prize by Ahmed Gherbi.

The winners' works will be published by the High Council of Arabic Language HCLA and will hence be their owner.

The authors could recover their rights three years after the publishing of their books.
