
ADRAR-The first "'Sahara International Theater Nights" of Adrar dedicated to the 4th art in the region, kicked off Wednesday evening by Minister of Culture and Arts, Soraya Mouloudji.


Organized at the initiative of the association "Forsane Rokh," this festival, which runs until December 26, will be marked by the participation of sixteen countries including Palestine and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, guests of honor of the festival.

In her opening remarks, the Minister of Culture and Arts said that this festival is part of the " strengthening of cultural security in Algeria " that the " political authorities of the country, led by the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, are working to provide."

Mouloudji further welcomed the great contribution and support of the Wali of Adrar to this event.  

The festival also provides training workshops on acting, scenography, playwriting, body language and clowning, which will be led by practitioners of world renown.

A symposium on the exploitation of popular cultural heritage in the theater, is also on the program of this event. [/ecr]