7th Inshad Festival: Biskra’s Group “El Mountada for Culture and Arts” wins first place

GUELMA- The group “El Mountada for Culture and Arts” from the province of Biskra has won the first place at the 7th Local Inshad Festival (Muslim religious chants), which wrapped up on Friday in Guelma.

[ecr]  By snatching the first place, the group “El Mountada” will be able to participate in the International Inshad Festival in Constantine, in its edition for 2023, said the representative of the jury, the artist Abderrahmane Gamat at the wrap-up ceremony.

The second place of this cultural event, organized at the arts centre “Abdelmadjid Chafii” from 4 to 7 April, went to the group “Bachayir of Inshad” of Barika (Batna) while the choral of the group “Adjiyal Takafiya” from Constantine won the third place, added Gamat.

The group “Habib Arrahmene” from Guelma won the jury’s encouragement award while the award for the best voice went the artist Taki Eddine Hanchour who performs in the group of Biskra province.   [/ecr]