In a statement to APS, Daoudi said that a total of 1,812,656 students have joined this year 54 universities, 40 higher schools, 13 higher teacher training schools (ENS), and 13 university centres, in addition to the University of Continuing Education (UFC).
Daoudi also said that the services of the Higher Education sector “have finalized all preparations related to the university reopening,” recalling that the preparation for this academic year had begun on July 6.
This academic year, he added, will see “the reception of nearly 30,000 pedagogical places, a figure that has been brought to 160,000 places over the past five years,” he stated.
During this year, “23 conventional academic institutions will be converted into 4th generation universities, which are distributed across 15 universities and eight (8) Higher schools offering digital services to the sector’s various affiliates.”
As for the pedagogical aspect, Daoudi emphasized that like previous years, this year is characterized by “steering towards science and technology specialties, noting that more than 65% of new high school graduates have been oriented towards these specialties, while human and social sciences obtained nearly 35%".
The number of new graduates oriented towards medical sciences has seen a “notable increase,” reaching 20,015 students compared to 14,513 last year.
As for university services, the sector will be reinforced by “12,000 beds, thus bringing the number of beds received over the past five (5) years to 80,000.”
Furthermore, the higher education sector will continue its move aimed at “establishing the university as a catalyst for the national economy,” after having ensured, last year, the training of “more than 200,000 students in entrepreneurship, in addition to the creation of 117 business incubators, 107 entrepreneurship development centres and 55 artificial intelligence hubs.”
The digitalization operations have affected the pedagogical and tertiary domains, through the development of 60 digital platforms and the generalization of the Integrated Management Software "PROGRES,” in addition to contributing to the rationalization of expenses and the improvement of university services.
On the other hand, UFC has benefited from broader support during the 2024/2025 academic year, after its integration into the ministerial orientation circular, with the enrolment of 6000 new high school graduates, thus bringing the total number of students enrolled in Bachelor's and Master's degrees to nearly 90,000.[/ecr]