SEOUL — Two South Korean Air Force fighter jets accidentally dropped eight bombs on a village during a joint training exercise with US forces on Thursday, officials said, with civilians among 15 people injured. 

The Air Force KF-16 jets were participating in joint US-South Korea live-fire training exercises in Pocheon, about 25 kilometres south of the heavily fortified border with nuclear-armed North Korea, military and government officials said.

The two jets accidentally released eight MK-82 general-purpose bombs, four each, which landed "outside the designated firing range", the Air Force said.

"The pilot appears to have entered incorrect coordinates during the pre-flight preparation process," an Air Force official told reporters.

One Pocheon resident told Yonhap news agency he was watching television when he heard the bombs explode.

"I suddenly heard an enormous explosion, like a thunderclap, and the whole house shook," said the resident, who gave only his surname Park.

"When I went outside, everything was in chaos," he said.

The two aircraft were meant to fire simultaneously at a target as part of the exercise, the Air Force official said.

"It is believed that the first pilot entered incorrect coordinates, leading the second aircraft to drop its munitions as well."

A defence ministry official said an investigation was underway.

"We deeply regret the unintended release of the bombs, which resulted in civilian casualties, and wish those, injured a swift recovery," the Air Force said in an earlier statement.

It said it would "take all necessary measures, including compensation for damages".

South Korea's National Fire Agency said the bombs had "fallen on a village during a South Korea-US joint exercise".

That resulted in "casualties and property damage, with many displaced residents", it said.

Fifteen people were injured, including civilians and military personnel, the agency said. 

One church building and sections of two houses were damaged, according to an agency statement.

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