RAMALLAH, Sept 17 (KUNA) -- The Israeli occupation forces arrested on Tuesday at least 30 Palestinians from the West Bank, including three women and a journalist.
According to a joint statement from the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Authority stated that among the detainees were Abla Saadat, wife of the imprisoned Secretary-General of the Popular Front, Ahmed Saadat, Tahrir Jaber, the media student at Birzeit University, Duaa al-Qadi, and journalist Qutaiba Hamdan.
The arrests were dispersed across most of the governorates in West Bank, accompanied by widespread raids and abuse, severe beatings, and threats against detainees and their families, in addition to sabotage and destruction of citizens' homes, statement added.
The total number of arrests in the West Bank since the start of the ongoing genocidal war has reached more than 10,700 arrests, including all segments of Palestinian society, it noted.
In addition, the data related to arrest cases includes detainees from the West Bank and not in Gaza Strip, and their number is estimated to thousands. (end) ng.hs