NNA - Speaker of the House, Nabih Berri, on Thursday hosted at the Second Presidency House in Ain el-Tineh, UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, with whom he discussed the general situation in Lebanon and the broader region. Additionally, Berri welcomed Cyprus's Ambassador to Lebanon, Maria Hadjitheodosiou, with whom he reviewed political and field developments in Lebanon and the region, particularly in light of Israel's ongoing aggression against Lebanon and Gaza. Talks between the pair also touched upon bilateral relations between the two countries. Among Berri's visitors was "Democratic Gathering" member, Akram Chehayeb, alongside businessman and industrialist Sheikh Walid Assaf, and the Director-General of the Internal Security Forces, General Imad Othman. Discussions reportedly focused on the current security conditions in the country.   =================R.H.