Jerusalem / GAZA / PNN/

His Beatitude, Pierbattista Cardinal Pizzaballa, the esteemed Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, embarked on a momentous journey into Gaza on May 16th, 2024. His pilgrimage led him to the parish of the Holy Family, where he extended his pastoral visit to the resilient community.

Accompanying His Beatitude were esteemed figures including His Excellency, Fra’ Alessandro de Franciscis, the Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Order of Malta, alongside Fr. Gabriele Romanelli, the parish priest of Gaza, and a modest entourage. Their mission was clear: to stand in solidarity with the suffering populace, offering a beacon of hope amidst adversity.

In a poignant display of unity, His Beatitude presided over a mass at the parish church, sharing moments of prayer and reflection with the local congregation. Beyond the confines of the Holy Family parish, he also extended gestures of goodwill by visiting the St. Porphyrius Orthodox parish, underscoring the importance of interfaith dialogue and cooperation in times of hardship.

However, this visit transcended mere symbolism. It marked the inaugural phase of a collaborative humanitarian effort spearheaded by the Latin Patriarchate and the Sovereign Order of Malta. Working in tandem with Malteser International and allied partners, their objective is clear: to provide vital aid, including life-saving food and medical assistance, to the beleaguered population of Gaza.

In a world often marred by division and discord, this joint mission stands as a testament to the power of compassion and collective action. As His Beatitude and his esteemed companions departed Gaza, their message of solidarity reverberated, offering a glimmer of hope to a community in need.