At first Hussam Salah Abu Ajwa resisted letting his daughter out to play, but finally he relented so she could zip around on her pink skates near their Gaza City home.Within two minutes he heard the boom of a strike that made the girl, 10-year-old Tala Abu Ajwa, the latest child fatality in the ongoing war in Gaza that has killed tens of thousands.For the latest updates on the Israel-Palestine conflict, visit our dedicated page.“She begged me and said, ‘Please, Daddy, let me go out’. I felt sad because she wanted to play with the girls” in the neighborhood, Hussam told AFP after the strike on Tuesday.Upon hearing the blast, he raced outside, but “when I reached the flat that had been bombed, I found her among the rubble”, he said.“I recognized her by her roller skates, the only thing that was visible.”Details of the strike were unclear but an Israeli air strike hit a building nearby.A photograph of Tala has since circulated widely on social media, the skates with white velcro straps