Ukraine on Monday said it had asked the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to verify the situation in areas of Russia’s Kursk region seized by Kyiv.Ukraine’s army caught Russian troops off guard when it attacked the region of Kursk on August 6, advancing for miles into Russian territory and seizing dozens of towns and villages.For the latest updates on the Russia-Ukraine war, visit our dedicated page.“I instructed the Ukrainian foreign ministry to officially invite the UN and ICRC to join humanitarian efforts in the Kursk region,” Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha said on social media.“Ukraine is ready to facilitate their work and prove its adherence to international humanitarian law,” he continued.Ukraine has been careful to present its army in a different light than the Russian forces that are occupying around 20 percent of Ukrainian territory.“From the very first days of the Kursk operation, the Ukrainian Defense Forces, as a civilized European army, have