The US military confirmed that a $30 million drone crashed near Yemen earlier this week after the Houthis claimed that they had downed at least three of them in recent days.“We can confirm that [Monday] an MQ-9 did crash in the vicinity of Yemen. That is being investigated, but I don’t have any additional details to share,” Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder told Al Arabiya English during a press conference on Tuesday.For all the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app.The Houthis claimed on Monday to have shot down three MQ-9s over the last week and at least 10 since the outbreak of the Gaza war and ensuing Houthi attacks on US military assets in the region.Asked about these claims, Ryder said he would not get into specific numbers for operational security reasons. “I can tell you that that number is not accurate. It’s too high,” he said.Shortly after the Oct. 7 Hamas and resulting Israeli bombardment of Gaza, Yemen’s Houthis began targeting