Saudi Arabia’s Prince Turki Al-Faisal has expressed hope in Kamala Harris as the presidential election approaches, citing a dire need for a fresh US stance in Middle Eastern diplomacy.“Harsh words are not going to convince Mr. Netanyahu to step back. What will make him step back are actions like stopping of arms, stopping of financial aid,” Prince Turki stated, critiquing the ongoing diplomatic failures to curb Israel’s aggressive policies in Palestine.Highlighting the upcoming election, Prince Turki voiced optimism about current Vice-President and Presidential hopeful, Harris: “Her expression of empathy and sympathy for the Palestinians at least, sounded as if she might be willing to take some action,” suggesting a potential pivot from the perceived inaction under the Biden administration.“Stopping the Israeli onslaught on Gaza would require specific action by the United States and the rest of the world community to punish Israel for what it is doing,” Al-Faisal told Hadley Gamble on