In an exclusive interview on Al Arabiya News, Secretary-General of the Lebanese National Bloc party called for political unity in Lebanon in order to find a long-term solution to the crises the country is currently facing.“Now is the time we need political unity. And political unity with a clear vision, political unity behind the state, political unity behind the army that we need to work on strengthening, political unity behind ceasing the fire and strengthening our institutions and having a proper vision in order to exit this war of the axis and not rely on anyone,” Michel Helou said during an interview on GNT presented by Rosanna Lockwood.For all the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app.Helou also blamed Hezbollah for the current political situation saying that the armed group was significantly responsible for the lack of a functioning government.“(…) recently, this showed very clearly with Hezbollah preventing us from electing a president for the