A New Jersey mayor has accused the US government of hiding information from the public regarding the numerous flying objects, dubbed drones, that have been spotted across the east coast sky in recent weeks.“The average citizen here, the average person here, the average person around the world knows that the government does things that they’re not gonna tell us,” Sam Morris, mayor of Mine Hill Township, New Jersey, told Al Arabiya News on Tuesday. “For security reasons, for military reasons, for safety reasons, you know police departments do things, and we don’t know what’s going on because they don’t want us to.”For all the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app.Morris supplied video footage to Al Arabiya News displaying the drones over his town at night which he says he recorded after he had been informed by a resident.“You take people seriously, you give people the benefit of the doubt, until you see it [with] your own eyes, and you see it the way that