Gaza’s civil defense agency said an airstrike hit a hospital Sunday, killing at least seven people, while Israel said it had targeted militants at the no longer functioning facility.“Seven martyrs and several injured people, including critical cases, have been recovered following the Israeli strike on the upper floor of Al-Wafaa Hospital in central Gaza City,” a civil defense agency statement said.For the latest updates on the Israel-Palestine conflict, visit our dedicated page.Israel’s military said it had carried out a “precise strike” targeting members of Hamas’ aerial defense unit operating from a “command and control center in a building that served in the past as the Al-Wafaa hospital.”“The building does not currently serve as a hospital,” the military said.The health ministry in Gaza said the hospital was still in use.“The Al-Wafaa Hospital is partially operational, providing care to patients with physical disabilities,” the ministry’s director general, Munir al-Barsh, told