Ukraine said on Tuesday it downed six of 21 missiles launched overnight and in the early morning by Russia, reporting minor damage in the capital of Kyiv and hits on infrastructure in the northern Sumy region.A woman was wounded in the Kyiv region, where a private house was damaged, the interior ministry said on Telegram.For the latest updates on the Russia-Ukraine war, visit our dedicated page.Missile debris damaged three private buildings and two cars in one of the capital’s districts, Kyiv’s military administration said on Telegram.Ukraine’s air force said Russia’s hypersonic Kinzhal missile was among the six downed.Russia fired a total of 13 missiles on the town of Shostka, in the northern Sumy region, its governor said in televised comments.The strike damaged 12 high-rise residential buildings, two educational facilities, three boiler houses and a clinic, according to local authorities. Some infrastructure was destroyed, it added.For all the latest headlines follow our Google