Syria’s de facto leader Ahmed al-Sharaa met with high-level Christian clergymen on Tuesday, amid calls to guarantee minority rights after seizing power earlier this month.“The leader of the new Syrian administration, Ahmed al-Sharaa, meets a delegation from the Christian community in Damascus,” Syria’s General Command said in a statement on Telegram, which included pictures of the meeting with Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican clerics.Al-Sharaa has also held talks with delegates of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an official told AFP on Tuesday, adding that they had been “positive.”Monday’s talks were al-Sharaa’s first with Kurdish commanders since an opposition alliance spearheaded by al-Sharaa’s “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” (HTS) group overthrew longtime strongman Bashar al-Assad in early December and come as the SDF is locked in fighting with Turkish-backed factions in northern Syria.“A meeting took place on Monday between senior officials of the Syrian Democratic Forces and