Italy’s Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani on Thursday summoned the Iranian ambassador to Rome over the detention of an Italian journalist, held in isolation since her arrest in Tehran two weeks ago.“The government, as it has from the first day of Cecilia Sala’s arrest, is working tirelessly to bring her home, and we demand that all her rights be respected,” Tajani posted on X.“We will not leave Cecilia and her parents’ side until her release.” For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.Sala, 29, travelled to Iran on December 13 on a journalist’s visa and was arrested on December 19 for “violating the law of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” according to Iran’s culture ministry, which oversees and accredits foreign journalists in Iran.She is being kept in isolation, sleeping on the floor in a cell with the lights permanently on, Sala told her family in a phone call Wednesday, according to Italian media reports.Rome’s ambassador to Tehran, Paola Amadei,