Israel’s military said it intercepted a missile launched from Yemen after it crossed into Israeli territory early Friday.“A missile that was launched from Yemen and crossed into Israeli territory was intercepted,” the military said in a statement posted to its Telegram channel. “A report was received regarding shrapnel from the interception that fell in the area of Modi’in in central Israel. The details are under review.”For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.Israel’s emergency service provider, Magen David Adom, reported that it had treated several people who were injured or experienced panic attacks on their way to shelters after air raid sirens sounded in the center and south of the country.On Tuesday, Israel also said it intercepted a missile launched from Yemen.The Iran-backed Houthi militia controls much of war-torn Yemen and has been firing missiles and drones at Israel, and at ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, in what it says is