A fire at a vegetable market in north China killed eight people and injured 15 on Saturday, local authorities reported.“The injured have been sent to the hospital for treatment and are currently not in life-threatening danger,” the Qiaoxi District People’s Government said after the blaze in Zhangjiakou city, northwest of Beijing.For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.The fire at the Liguang Market broke out at around 8:40 a.m. (12:40 a.m. GMT) and was extinguished after 10 a.m., the district government said.The cause of the blaze is under investigation.Deadly fires are relatively common in China due to lax building codes and an often slipshod approach to workplace safety.A blaze in the major city of Chengdu in October left 24 people hospitalized with breathing difficulties, state media reported.In July, a fire at a shopping center in the southwestern city of Zigong killed 16 people.Read more:Deadly hotel fire in South Korea claims seven lives,