The Israeli military said Sunday it intercepted a missile launched from Yemen, the latest in a series of recent attacks.“Following the sirens that sounded a short while ago in Talmei Elazar, a missile launched from Yemen was intercepted prior to crossing into Israeli territory,” the military said in a statement posted to Telegram.On Friday, Israel’s military said it shot down a missile and a drone launched from Yemen, where Iran-backed groups have stepped up their attacks since a November ceasefire between Israel and another Iran-backed group, Hezbollah, in Lebanon.For the latest updates on the Israel-Palestine conflict, visit our dedicated page.Like Hezbollah - which began trading cross-border fire with Israel after Hamas’s October 7 attack last year - the Houthis say they are acting in solidarity with Palestinians, and have vowed to continue until there is a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.While most of the missiles and drones launched from Yemen have been intercepted, one missile