The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said Monday that a Coalition member was killed and two more were wounded during strikes on ISIS targets in Iraq over the last week.“From December 30 to January 6, CENTCOM and Iraqi forces conducted multiple strikes in the Hamrin mountains of Iraq, targeting known ISIS locations,” CENTCOM said in a statement. There were no injuries to US personnel or damage to US equipment.For all the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app.During operations to degrade ISIS’ ability to conduct attacks on civilians in the Middle East, as well as Americans and citizens from other allied nations, ISIS militants clashed with Coalition forces, according to CENTCOM. Air strikes ensued using F-16, F-15s, and A-10s. “The A-10s tasked to support ground forces in the area were successful in eliminating the ISIS fighters within a cave,” CENTCOM said.Shortly after the new year, the US military and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) partnered to conduct