A Swiss national detained on espionage charges has died by suicide in a prison in Iran’s Semnan province, a judicial official said on Thursday.“This morning, a Swiss national committed suicide in Semnan prison,” state media quoted Mohammad Sadegh Akbari, Semnan’s chief justice, as saying.For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.Akbari said that the individual had been arrested by Iranian security forces and that the case was “under investigation and processing.”Over the years, Iran’s security forces have detained dozens of foreigners and dual nationals, often accusing them of espionage or security-related offenses. Rights groups have criticized Iran for using such arrests to extract diplomatic concessions, a claim Tehran denies.Akbari said that the Swiss national was being held in a shared cell with another prisoner and took his own life while alone, as the other detainee had left to get food.He added that prison officials attempted to save the