Israel’s military said Tuesday that it had “successfully intercepted” a missile fired from Yemen that sent sirens blaring across the centre of the country in the early morning hours.“An examination by the IAF (Israel air force) and the Home Front Command found that the missile fired from Yemen toward Israeli territory was successfully intercepted,” the army said in a statement. For the latest updates on the Israel-Palestine conflict, visit our dedicated page.The military had previously said it made “several attempts” to shoot down the missile, adding it had “likely” succeeded.It later reported that shrapnel from the missile “fell inside a civilian house” in the community of Mevo Beitar, near Jerusalem, and that additional shrapnel was found in the nearby town of Tzur Hadassah. Tuesday’s attack came less than a day after Yemen’s Houthis said they had launched a missile towards the commercial hub of Tel Aviv, which Israeli forces said was intercepted “prior to crossing into Israeli