Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military not to begin the ceasefire in Gaza, scheduled to start at 8:30 a.m. (0630 GMT), until Hamas issued the names of the hostages to be released, his office said on Sunday.“The prime minister instructed the IDF that the ceasefire, which is supposed to go into effect at 8:30 a.m., will not begin until Israel has the list of released abductees that Hamas has pledged to provide,” his office said in a statement.For the latest updates on the Israel-Palestine conflict, visit our dedicated page.The Palestinian militant group Hamas affirmed its commitment to the Gaza ceasefire deal, saying a delay in disclosing the names of hostages to be released in first phase was due to “technical field reasons.”Read more:Israeli forces begin withdrawing from Rafah areas to Egypt-Gaza border: Pro-Hamas mediaGaza ceasefire to begin Sunday morning, after Israeli approval