Thousands of Palestinians burst into the streets across Gaza as a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas began on Sunday, some in celebration, others to visit the graves of relatives, while many rushed back to their homes.“I feel like at last I found some water to drink after getting lost in the desert for 15 months. I feel alive again,” Aya, a displaced woman from Gaza City, who has been sheltering in Deir al-Balah in central Gaza Strip for over a year, told Reuters via a chat app.For the latest updates on the Israel-Palestine conflict, visit our dedicated page.Armed Hamas fighters drove through the southern city of Khan Younis, with crowds cheering and chanting, despite an almost three hour delay in the implementation of the agreement, which follows 15 months of devastating conflict.Hamas policemen, dressed in blue police uniform, deployed in some areas after months of trying to keep out of sight to avoid Israeli airstrikes.People who had gathered to cheer the fighters chanted “Greetings