US President-elect Donald Trump will call for a “revolution of common sense” during his inaugural address, the Wall Street Journal said on Monday citing excerpts of his prepared remarks.“I return to the presidency confident and optimistic that we are at the start of a thrilling new era of national success. A tide of change is sweeping the country. My message to Americans today is that it is time for us to once again act with courage, vigor and the vitality of history’s greatest civilization,” Trump is expected to say, according to remarks shared with the WSJ.For all the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app.Trump will be sworn in as the US president on Monday, ushering in his second term in office and capping one of the most astounding political comebacks in American history.He will take the oath of office, administered by Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts, at 12 pm EST (1700 GMT). It was originally due to take place in front of the US