Princess Reema bint Bandar, Riyadh’s ambassador to Washington, represented Saudi Arabia at the inauguration of US President Donald Trump on Monday.“As our two nations celebrate 80 years of friendship, it was my honor to convey our leadership’s heartfelt congratulations on behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to President [Donald Trump] and the American people on his inauguration,” Princess Reema said in a post on X.For all the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app.Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the US and only the second ever to serve in non-consecutive terms.“The relationship between our two countries is historic and we look forward to continuing our work together for the benefit of both our peoples, our region, and the world,” Princess Reema said in her post alongside a photo with Trump.Read more: Trump expected to name Joel Rayburn as top US diplomat for Middle East