Iran needs to reach an understanding over its atomic activity with the administration of Donald Trump in order to avoid being dragged into another military conflict in the Middle East, according to the world’s top nuclear regulator. Six-and-a-half years after Trump abrogated an agreement that gave the Islamic Republic sanctions relief in exchange for strict limits on its nuclear activities, Iran’s stockpile of near bomb-grade enriched uranium is surging to new record highs. For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.“There was an agreement that existed before President Trump decided that was not the path he wanted to follow,” International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said Tuesday in Davos. “Now we need to come to terms with how we deal with this, excluding of course, a war. We don’t want more wars.” The IAEA chief confirmed Iran continues producing large quantities of highly-enriched uranium. In December, Tehran’s