A Palestinian official reported shooting and explosions in the flashpoint West Bank town of Jenin on Wednesday as Israeli forces pressed a raid in what the military described was a “counterterrorism” operation.“The situation is very difficult,” Kamal Abu al-Rub, the governor of Jenin, told AFP. For the latest updates on the Israel-Palestine conflict, visit our dedicated page.“The occupation army has bulldozed all the roads leading to the Jenin camp, and leading to the Jenin Governmental Hospital... There is shooting and explosions,” he added.On Tuesday, Israeli forces launched an operation in Jenin which Palestinian officials said killed 10 people, just days after a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas took effect in the Gaza Strip.According to Abu al-Rub, Israeli forces detained around 20 people from villages near Jenin, a bastion of Palestinian militancy.The Israeli military claimed it had launched a “counterterrorism operation” in the area, and had “hit over 10