HLP-Sudan Chair Mohamed Chambas

July 8, 2024 (ADDIS ABABA) – A member of the Democratic Civil Forces Coordination “Tagadum” revealed insufficient consultations between the Coordination and the African Union High-Level Panel on Sudan in preparation for the upcoming preparatory meeting for the political process scheduled for next Wednesday. The African Union High-Level Mechanism on Sudan is organizing a meeting for Sudanese political forces from July 10th to 15th, aimed at paving the way for a comprehensive conference to end the war and initiate a political process to establish the foundations of a transitional period leading to the restoration of democratic rule in the country. Concerns have been raised among various Sudanese political forces regarding the African Union Commission’s intention to include Islamist forces linked to the former regime in this political process, fearing it may impede efforts to establish a secular system of government. Shahab, a Tagadum representative, informed “Sudan Tribune” on Sunday that the invitation received from the African Union indicates the meeting’s “preparatory” nature, intended to finalize the agenda and participating parties. However, he emphasized the lack of adequate consultations thus far. “Unfortunately, consultations have been insufficient, and there is no agreement on the parties or the approach yet,” Shahab stated. “Tagadum …

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