MSF Sudan

July 24, 2024 (JUBA) – Devastating floods could hit South Sudan in the coming three months, thus worsening food insecurity and limiting access to safe water and proper sanitation facilities for the population, a medical charity has warned. Medicines San Frontiers (MSF), in a statement issued on Wednesday, said up to 5.4 million people are expected to live in flood-affected areas of South Sudan.  It also projects a likelihood of increased rainfall between July and October. These factors could cause flooding on a scale unprecedented in the last century. This year’s predictions are particularly concerning for those in internally displaced people’s camps or transit centers where people live in overcrowded conditions. “The predicted increase in rainfall in 2024 is very concerning given the number of people at risk in flood-prone areas; threats to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); and the risk of water- and vector-borne disease transmission,” said Joe Aumuller, MSF epidemiologist activity manager. The expected severe flooding, according to MSF, will likely force people to flee their homes, reduce the availability of crops and livestock needed for proper nutrition, disrupt aid delivery, and increase the chances of disease outbreaks. Specifically cited is Hepatitis E, which is endemic in some …

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