August 19, 2024 (TURALE) – South Sudan youth and civil society organizations in collaboration with faith-based groups in Warrap state embarked on peacebuilding and conflict transformation initiatives, raising hopes for sustainable security and social cohesion in a region devastated by conflicts. The youth group, brought together by Concordis International, pledged to work together with all the stakeholders to find realistic, mutually acceptable solutions that address the root causes of conflict and contribute to lasting peace and economic development. A total of 26 participants attended the training held in Turalei, the administrative headquarters of Twic county in Warrap state from 13-16 August 2024. Stephen Mayuen Mou, head of the Concordis for South Sudan and Sudan, told participants that the organization was committed to finding sustainable solutions that benefit all those involved, including women, youth, men, local administrative authorities, community leaders and civil society. “We are peacebuilders and so we engage different groups and leaders to build trust and confidence for sustainable relationships, and leaving a legacy that enables future conflict to be managed peacefully within the community,” Mou said. He added, “These are values, driven and guided by humility, impartiality and inclusivity”. The aim of the training was to train youth …

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