Abednego Akok Kacuol

August 23, 2024 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s electoral commission has outlined conditions for holding elections, dampening expectations after an earlier indication that polls could take place in December. Abednego Akok Kacuol, the chairperson of the National Elections Commission, presented two key conditions on Friday, backtracking from an earlier announcement that suggested elections could be held on December 22, 2024. Kacuol stated that elections would only be possible if the Elections Act is amended by parliament or if sufficient resources are made available to carry out the necessary activities within the established timeline. “It is possible to conduct elections under two conditions: first, the amendment of the Elections Act, as certain clauses related to voter registration, campaigning, and polling days need to be revised. The government must submit these amendments to parliament for debate and enactment into law. If this can be done in the short time remaining, we can proceed with elections. The second condition is the availability of resources. If resources are secured, we can conduct the elections within this brief period,” Kacuol stated. This announcement follows directives from a meeting of the presidency, which tasked the National Election Commission, the National Constitution Review Commission, and the Political Parties …

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