August 23, 2024 (GENEVA) – A new wave of cholera outbreak is threatening displaced communities across Sudan, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said. The spread of the more evident in reas hosting refugees like in Kassala, Gedaref and Jazirah states. In addition to hosting refugees from other countries, these states are reportedly also sheltering thousands of displaced Sudanese who have sought safety from ongoing hostilities. To date, 119 cholera cases have reportedly been confirmed in three refugee sites in Kassala state, as reported by Sudan’s Ministry of Health. “Tragically, five refugees have died after contracting the disease. While cholera cases have been reported in Gedaref state, no refugees have been impacted to date by the outbreak there, but we continue to monitor the situation,” the UNHCR statement reads in part. The recent cholera outbreak, it added,  has resurged after several weeks of heavy rainfall and resulting flooding. Risks are compounded, according to UNHCR, by the continuing conflict and dire humanitarian conditions, including overcrowding in camps and gathering sites for refugees and Sudanese displaced by the war, as well as limited medical supplies and health workers. This is in addition to overstretched health, water and sanitation and hygiene infrastructure – …

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