September 9, 2024 (MARIDI) – A General Court Martial to promote justice and accountability for crimes committed by South Sudan’s military officers has been established in Maridi County of Western Equatoria State with technical and financial support from the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). The court ruled in 12 cases, including cases of rape and murder. Eight soldiers were convicted, dismissed from the military, and sentenced to prison, while the remaining soldiers were acquitted. The judicial process is regarded as a significant step towards enhancing discipline within the military and building trust with the civilian population. The process has been hailed as an important demonstration of South Sudan’s willingness and ability to hold its military to account, improve discipline, build trust and confidence with civilian population, and advance peace and security. Soldiers serving with the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) wield enormous power in their conflict-affected country. They prevent outbreaks of violence and enhance peace and security by providing a protective presence, particularly in places where intercommunal conflict is rife. However, these soldiers can also cause huge harm when they abuse their position and commit crimes against the very people they are supposed to protect, including robbery, …

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