A police officer was injured when a blazing car exploded in the car park of a synagogue in the southern French town of La Grande-Motte on Saturday, officials said, calling the incident a deliberate attack and saying security at Jewish institutions would be stepped up.Police were hunting for a suspect and the anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office was put in charge of the investigation, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said.For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.“This is an antisemitic attack. Once more, our Jewish compatriots are targeted,” Attal said on X, adding: “We won’t give up. In the face of antisemitism, in the face of violence, we will never allow ourselves to be intimidated.”France, like other countries in Europe, has seen a surge in antisemitic incidents following the Hamas attacks on Israel on Oct. 7 and Israel’s retaliatory assault on Gaza.Local media said two cars, one of which contained at least one gas bottle, were set on fire in the