The economic and social situation in Afghanistan could worsen as a result of the latest laws imposed on women by the ruling Taliban, Afghan former member of parliament and former ambassador to Norway Shukria Barakzai told Al Arabiya English’s Riz Khan.“A female doctor will not be anymore there. Not a female journalist, not a female engineer, nor the female entrepreneurs. So, this is how the contribution of economy is not only coming by men. Every society, every country, every bird needs to fly with two wings,” Barakzai said.For all the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app. The Taliban, who regained power after the complete backout of foreign troops in 2021, imposed several new laws in August widely ostracizing women from public life.According to the new laws, women are not allowed to speak or sing in public. They are already banned from higher education.“…Women in Afghanistan, we are not the second citizen. We are not the third citizen. We are not a